
Multiverse & Maneki: original tools for real industry needs.


Paolo Berto Durante, CTO. J CUBE Inc.

Это выступление для тех, кто занимается реальным R&D в области VFX. Оно будет посвящено инструментам для работы с огромными данными в формате Alembic. Также будут представлены инструменты следующего поколения для рендеринга и композинга и дано видение развития этой области в ближайшем будущем.

Multiverse for Maya is the best solution to efficiently manage and scale data complexity with Alembic & USD in Autodesk Maya: write, read, display in VP2 and manipulate your data in a deferred, on-demand, fashion — then render procedurally with 3Delight, Arnold and RenderMan and/or transfer to KATANA. Multiverse for Maya is also the ideal companion to Houdini, allowing to seamlessly bring assets from Houdini to Maya with full motion blur support.

Multiverse Highlights:

— Dynamically unpack/pack Elastic Compounds
— Ultra fast and memory efficient Per-Frame Reading in Maya VP2
— Houdini → Maya interoperability with Alembic for geometry, attributes, velocity blur
— Maya → KATANA interoperability with both Alembic and USD* supporting geometry*, attributes*, lights and OSL shading networks.

Multiverse has been used by Luma Pictures to generate the complexity behind «Doctor Strange» and by SOHO VFX to bring the dynamic simulations from Houdini into Maya for «The Shallows».

Maneki is a fast, consistent, all-in-one Anime (アニメ) solution, designed for efficient rendering of next-generation high-quality content in HD/4K. Maneki is tightly integrzted with 3Delight and is available for Maya and soon for KATANA.


Maneki is integrated in Autodesk Maya (and soon in The Foundry KATANA) as a plug-in consisting of a set of materials, procedural patterns and lights able to produce Anime and NPR looks with the ease of PBR techniques and the ability to create new Photo-Surreal Rendering «PSR» looks. It is designed to work optimally with the 3Delight path tracer and its unique rendering capabilities such as high-quality outlining, displacement, scalability, unlimited resolution and performance.

Maneki is the core technology used by Polygon Pictures for the upcoming 「BLAME!(ブラム)」movie adaptation.

Paolo Berto Durante, CTO of J CUBE Inc. will talk about the inspiration, motivations, the past, the present and the future behind these & other tools. He will also talk about thinking out of the box and seeing through the marketing of the CG industry.




Paolo Berto Durante, CTO. J CUBE Inc. Tokyo, Japan.

At J CUBE I apply my knowledge, imagination and instinct throughout the production pipeline, with strong focus on rendering to cover the many-needs for versatility in our parent company productions and of other clients. Aside rendering I focus on look-development, lighting, compositing, FX, simulation and generic pipeline data-flow.
In particular, I am specialized in creating competitive advantages by thinking completely outside the box, applying my intuition to strategic problem-solving, and by being able to see through marketing, while sometime creating some as well.
I believe visual demand needs are heterogeneous, spawning from the Anime-style Non-Photo-Realism look (NPR), to the ubiquitous Physical-Based Rendering look (PBR), to a new hybrid of both which I refer to as «Photo Surreal Rendering» look (PSR)​. Maneki is the first tool in this PSR class and is used for the BLAME! movie. Such a visual variety requires a smart approach where design, simplicity and portability are key aspects, also due to outsourcing implications. Due to the natural quick turnover of production staff, thinning profits and lower operational cost in the CG industry, the demand for simplicity, minimalism and design will only raise in the future.
Some of the things we’ve synthesized @ J CUBE:

— Multiverse — http://multi-verse.io — for Maya, KATANA and Houdini
— Maneki.sh — http://maneki.sh — for Maya & soon for KATANA
— BLAME! — http://www.blame.jp
— Disney’s «Tsum Tsum» Shorts — Watch here

  ||   CG EVENT 2016 MOSCOW, Compos & VFX, hit, hiteng, Render, TD, R&D, Pipeline